Following the success of the first solar flight around the world, the Solar Impulse Foundation, led by Dr Bertrand Piccard, has set itself a new challenge for 2018: select 1000 solutions that can protect the environment in a profitable way.
From the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions launched during the COP23 in Bonn in November 2017, the Solar Impulse Foundation wished to certify the solutions carried by the member, that are respecting these objectives of being sustainable and profitable. This is now possible through that Label.
“Each time I speak of protecting the environment to heads of state or government officials, they tell me that it is too expensive. This label is a strong message to them: solutions exist, and represent the biggest market opportunity of our century. An opportunity which cannot be missed.“
Dr Bertrand Piccard
This label is granted to solutions which meet high standards of both sustainability and profitability. Each solution goes through a strict assessment process performed by independent experts and serves as an indication of quality to those looking to implement clean solutions, and affords a competitive edge to the innovators behind them.
OSMOSUN® among the first Efficient Solutions Labelled
After having been one of the founding members of the World Alliance for Efficient Solution in 2017, and having been greeted by Dr Bertrand Piccard in multiples occasions, Mascara’s team has actively supported the deployment of the Alliance, in order to promote synergies with other members, which are facing the same challenges and often share the same objectives.
OSMOSUN® labelling is rewarding the relevance of the unique technology developed by Mascara . However, this remains only a step towards the development of the solar desalination sector, crucial for an affordable and renewable water supply of the water stressed populations everywhere in the world.