Our references
- Municipality of HESSEQUA - South Africa
More than 3,000 inhabitants benefit from the 100m3 of fresh water produced by the solar-powered OSMOSUN® 13 SW seawater desalination unit.
The unit was installed to alleviate the droughts that regularly affect the Western Cape Province in South Africa.
Number of beneficiaries :
3000 inhabitants during peak season
Daily water requirements :
Seasonal need addressed through a mix of dam and desalinated water
Water to be treated :
Sea water
Project Funder :
South African – French funders
Unit type :
Daily water production :
100 m3 per day solar powered 200 m3 per day grid powered
Solar Generator :
66 kWc
Return on investment :
Below 5 years
Delivery time :
6 months
Project partners :
Turnkey Water Solutions
Dessalement d’eau de mer avec unité alimentée à l’énergie solaire
Project Partner
IWS développe, finance, construit et exploite des infrastructures hydrauliques décentralisées en Afrique australe en maximisant le potentiel de l’énergie solaire.