OSMOSUN® Wins Euronext IPO Award 2023 for Small & Mid Cap at 12th Annual Conference in Paris
Chartres, 19 March 2024 – OSMOSUN®, a leading provider of solar-powered seawater and brackish water desalination solutions, today announces that it has received the Euronext IPO Award 2023 in the Small & Mid Cap category at the 12th Euronext Annual Conference held in Paris on 19 March 2024.
The annual Grands Prix des Marchés Boursiers awarded by Euronext aim to highlight the most outstanding operations in their respective sectors and to foster best practices in the marketplace. The winner in each category is chosen by a panel of experts who take both quantitative and qualitative criteria into account.
Five awards were presented at the 2023 ceremony: two in the IPO category (Small & Mid Cap and Large Cap), two for equity financing transactions (Small & Mid Cap and Large Cap) and one for bond issues.
OSMOSUN received the Small & Mid Cap IPO award in recognition of the Company’s successful IPO on the Euronext Growth® market in July 2023. As a reminder, the IPO’s resounding success enabled OSMOSUN to raise €10.75 million. The offering received support from OSMOSUN’s long-standing shareholders, OKwind Group, leading institutional investors and a considerable number of individual investors. As such, total demand amounted to 1.6 times the initial offering.
Chairman and CEO Quentin Ragetly said: “We are proud to have received the Small & Mid Cap 2023 IPO award at the Euronext Grands Prix des Marchés Boursiers. We wish to thank all our institutional investors and individual shareholders once again for their trust and enthusiasm surrounding our project. We are also grateful to all our partners for supporting us and contributing towards the success of this IPO.
Using the funds raised, we have started developing our organisation by hiring new talent and expanding our international local presence in strategic regions such as North Africa, specifically in Morocco. We have signed new partnerships to consolidate our positioning on the desalination market while establishing a foothold in related markets. We will continue to ramp up our development in order to best respond to the ever-growing number of desalination projects and become a leading player in water treatment.”